This letter is to advise you of the works that have been carried out by Thames Water at Victoria Street between Broadway and Dacre Street. We would like to clarify these works were not requested by Multiplex – The Broadway Project.

Thames Water or its third party contractor Agility did not notified us in advance. As per the boards they displayed on the road, we are aware the improvements have started on 09th May and they expect to finish on 15th May 2019.

If you do have any concerns, we advise you to contact Thames Water directly on 0800 316 9800 and quote reference number 31274043.

We are determined to build on the positive relationships and we will work hard to keep you informed, engaged and up-to-date with progress and construction activity. At Multiplex, we have a strong focus on connecting with the communities where we work and we will welcome the opportunity to engage with you and understand any concerns you may have.

We want to apologise in advance for any inconvenience.