From Monday 13th May, a range of activities will be launched at the Broadway Project to raise awareness of Mental Health. This year Mental Health Awareness week (13-19th May) is focused on ‘body image – how we feel and think about our bodies’.

We will be holding activities on different days of the week designed to promote both good physical and mental health for everyone involved in the Broadway Project. There is something for everyone and we plan to keep this going for the duration of the project. Activities will grow and adapt along the course. Posters will be going up around site with further details of the activities, as well as below.

We want to get everyone on site involved and talking about body image and mental health. By joining us in one of the activities, you are not only motivating other colleagues to participate beyond that making sure no one experiences a mental health problem alone.

Last year researchers have found that 30% of all adults have felt so stressed by body image and appearance that they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope. That’s almost 1 in every 3 people. Body image issues can affect all of us at any age and directly impact our mental health.

We have lots of advice and support to help you on your way. Take a look at some of the activities below. Campaign with us! #thebroadwaytowellness #multiplexconstructioneurope

MONDAY – Book of the month

TUESDAY – Walking group at St James’s Park – Meeting point is outside the site entrance at 12:30pm. Attend 5 and get a Multiplex water bottle.

WEDNESDAY – Join the run club – Meet with the team at 6pm outside 20 Victoria Street. Attend 5 and get a Multiplex Broadway T-shirt

THURSDAY – Mindfulness and Meditation – an introduction into how centering our minds and bodies can support and promote our positive mental health

FRIDAY – Board games in canteen and break out spaces