Day 3 of our Broadway Project – Mental Health Awareness week – expanding our existing Running Club.

We aim to be a friendly and inclusive Running Club and welcome new members of ALL running standards, fast or slow, beginner, returning or experienced runners. The most important thing is that you enjoy it at whatever pace you are comfortable with. We are not like Usain Bolt or Mo Farah megastars who run fast, but we do it to control stress, keep fit, lose weight, or just as a way to socialise.

Not sure if a Running Club is for you? No problem! Just come along and try for a couple of sessions, if you like it join us, if not at least you’ve had a couple of runs!

A few good reasons for you to join the Broadway Running Club:

You’ll make friends and meet like-minded people

You’ll improve your running…a lot!

You’ll be way more motivated

You’ll socialize and have fun

You’ll get incredible support