As of May 2019, Multiplex will be introducing mandatory drug and alcohol testing for every person working on the Broadway Project. This programme has been introduced to encourage a healthier workplace and reduce future risks to persons working on site, from either themselves or others under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

This programme of testing will take place during the induction process, along with testing and spot checks for existing personnel. Refusal to take a test will be treated as a positive result.

The samples taken will be analysed by an approved laboratory and processed to comply with data protection and legal requirements. Any person found with a positive result for illegal substances will be asked to leave the site and will not be allowed to work on any other Multiplex project.

Those found with a positive result will retain the right to appeal, in writing to the Multiplex Project Construction Director within 7 days of the date of issue. An appeal hearing will be held within 14 days after the receipt of the appeal.

A person can return to work for Multiplex projects after both them and their employer, show they have taken reasonable steps to develop a return to work programme where the person is clean and healthy and submits to further D&A testing.

If you require any further information please contact the project team.