The Broadway is a London Living Wage (LLW) project, paying staff the London Living Wage as a minimum.

We are committed to equality and fairness among our workers.

The LLW is an independently set hourly rate of pay, which is calculated according to the basic cost of living which currently is £10,55 per hour. This rate is update annually.

As a London Living Wage (LLW) project, we also spread the word about this matter and we introduced LLW on procurement and pre-qualification tendering process to ensure potential and existing companies are also a London Living Wage Employers making sure our suppliers have a commitment to pay the London Living Wage as a minimum on our site.

There are posters promoting LLW on site canteen, induction room, changing room.

The Broadway project team believe that paying the LLW is not only the right thing to do but it also benefits businesses working with us. It leads to staff retention and motivation, workers feel valued and a sense of pride.