On 26th March 2019, the Broadway Project Team hosted the first Stakeholders Engagement event since appointed as the principal main contractor for the construction Northacres’ landmark transformation development in Westminster – The Broadway.

The event was led by project Community Engagement Manager, Luciana Campos and Construction Director Eddie O’Shea who introduced the project to the attendees. Jon Ankiewicz, Senior Construction Manager, presented photos of current construction activities and giving a brief explanation about the works. Narjes Najari, Lead Engineer, communicated on future project progress. Broadway H&S Manager, Michael Cully also attended to address any issues related to risks that construction may impact to the local community. And at the end guests had the opportunity for a Q&A session and the team was available for a 1-2-1 catch ups.

The meeting took place in St Matthews Conference Centre, which is one of our key project neighbours. Details of the event were displayed externally on the hoarding for members of the public and local council. Invitation was added to weekly and monthly newsletters, as well as an update on project’s website.

Feedback form was available to those who preferred to anonymously leave their point of view about the project.

Very valuable meeting. I am interested to understand and discuss more about the retail and parking issues on the next neighbourhood meeting. Perhaps more pictures illustrating the works.”

Meeting Minutes